Use John Kotter’s Model to Create Your Own Best Vision for Change

With the eight-step Kotter Change Model, management and strategy expert John Kotter has given us one of the best and most practical models for building successful and sustainable organizations over the long term.   In a nutshell, the eight essential steps to planning for and implementing change are:  You can divide these eight steps into threeContinue reading “Use John Kotter’s Model to Create Your Own Best Vision for Change”

How Building a Guiding Coalition Can Transform Your Organization 

John Kotter’s eight-step change model continues to influence some of the most forward-looking businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations in the world. Most recently the author of Change: How Organizations Achieve Hard-to-Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times (Wiley, 2021), Kotter remains a leadership expert’s leadership expert.   A professor emeritus at Harvard Business School, John KotterContinue reading How Building a Guiding Coalition Can Transform Your Organization “

The Nowhere Office – How the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed How We Work 

In The Nowhere Office: Reinventing Work and the Workplace of the Future (PublicAffairs, 2022), author, entrepreneur, social policy scholar, and personal development expert Julia Hobsbawm provides us with an exploration at the reinvention of work post-COVID-19. The book resulted from Hobsbawm’s deep conversations with leaders across industries and demographics, as well as her insights andContinue reading The Nowhere Office – How the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed How We Work “

This Comprehensive Book on Philanthropy Offers Critique and Vision 

Philanthropy: From Aristotle to Zuckerberg is a book by British journalist Paul Vallely that offers a fresh and comprehensive look at how major philanthropy has evolved throughout history and how it continues to evolve. Published by Bloomsbury Continuum in 2020, Philanthropy: From Aristotle to Zuckerberg generations of philanthropists and how the influence and passion projectsContinue reading This Comprehensive Book on Philanthropy Offers Critique and Vision “